
Friday, July 18, 2014

[Review] Nature Republic 92% Aloe Vera Soothing Gel

Hello again... How's your day?? It's great, huh?
Today I'm going to review one of the best selling item from Nature Republic. It's called Nature Republic 92% Aloe Vera Soothing Gel. There are so many review about this item out there, and I just want to add another review about this item according to my own experience.

Nature Republic has been endorsed by many popular Korean stars, such as: Jang Geun Suk, Shin Sekyung, Goo Hara, Taeyeon SNSD, and the newest is EXO. ^^

so handsome Lulu ^^
 And here is video CF of Nature Republic 92% Aloe Vera Soothing Gel featuring EXO.

So, mine come with another item that I bought together with this Nature Republic 92% Aloe Vera Soothing Gel. I got mine with just IDR 50K, it's muuuchh cheaper than normal price. Normally it cost IDR 70K-80K.
Yayy~ lucky me.. ^^
This item comes in 300 ml of product in a big size green jar. And it contains so much product that last for a few months. On the back we can see the product ingredients and also as well. When the jar is opened, we can see there's a separate lid that will keep the product hygien.
Also, what is the function of this item?
This Nature Republic Aloe Vera Soothing Gel can be use in many different ways. This picture below show us how to use Aloe Vera Gel in 8 ways.

1. As Moustirizing Cream or Mask Pack 
You can use this Nature Republic Aloe Vera Gel as a mask pack. I've tried this many times. I just need some cotton and applied it into my face. It's better you placed aloe gel in refrigerator first, so you can get more cool and refreshing feeling. 
2. As Base Make-up
I never use this aloe gel in this way, because I'm afraid that it will make my make-up more cakey. Fyi, I have an oily skin and I tent to get oily after some hours.
3. After Waxing or shaving
This aloe vera gel can be used after waxing, in order to calm our skin after we did some waxing and give a moisture feeling into the skin.
4. As Hair Treatment
I love use this gel as a hair treatment. It really help me to tame my frizzy hair and it doesn't feel sticky at all.
5. As an Eye mask
For those who always stick in front of laptop screen like me, this aloe vera gel can help to reduce swollen eyes. How to do that? We just need 2ply of cotton and applied the gel onto the cotton. After that, place the cotton in refrigerator. And...voila!! Our own eye mask is ready to coolin' our swollen eyes.
6. As Nail essence
Who wants healthy nail? Just use this aloe gel and put on our nail as essence to get healthy and shiny nail.
7. As Body Care
This aloe gel can also be use as body care to give our skin moisture. I loooveee to use this gel as body care, because it make my skin really soft and very moisturized.
8. Mask pack for relaxing sunburn
If you live in humid countries like me, you may like to use this gel to realxing the your skin from sunburn.You may apply this gel into mask sheet and leave it onto your face for about 15 minutes. It will shoothe  and give coolness into our skin.
9. As an Eye primer
As an addition, we can also use this aloe vera gel as eye primer before we use our favorite mascara.

So, this Nature Republic 92% Aloe Vera Soothing Gel is multi functional. It can be use in many different way and the price is very affordable. The size of jar is big enough, so it can last over a month (at least for me)

Auf wiedersehen~ ^^



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  3. Nice post, Thanks for sharing
